Advent: Me Too

The heavens sing to the earth: “The LORD is greatly to be praised.” I’ll sing too. The fields boast with joy: “God is sovereign over the earth.” I want to shout it too. The winds twirl with the trees: “The LORD is coming, coming,...

Advent: Peace

For yokes to break and whips to fray, for armor to crumble and guns to disintegrate, for enemies to repent and the powerful to atone, for the rich to repay and war plans to burn, for bombs to retreat and arrogance to perish, for hatred to lament and self-righteousness...

Advent: Love

If your love had a measure, O LORD, it would be the length of the ocean tides in time and distance and constancy. If your love was a song, O LORD, it would be the symphony of forests with aspens clapping, foxes barking, streams babbling. If your love was a story, O...

Advent: Emmanuel

Emmanuel, God, be with us as we greet you in praise. You are the sovereign of angels and cherubim, the source of life for all creation, and our souls’ only hope and comfort. Shine upon us, we pray. When fear threatens our faith, open our mouths to shout with joy...

Advent: Be Strong

Do not fail, o my heart. Do not be discouraged though the waiting is long and the wellspring of justice is far off. Do not faint, o my heart. Do not be weak in waiting but roar with the fullness of your life with the ferocity of your wildest dreams. Do not grow weary,...

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