The voice of one crying out in the wilderness:
Prepare the way of the LORD!
Make the paths of God just!
For the world has washed
its byways with blood,
and the church has
corroborated the violence
with self-glorifying theological lies!
Stand in the streets and cry,
“There is no peace
along this way!”
Bring the city to a halt,
divert traffic to another way.
Let the boulevard be a place of repentance,
let all people hiding behind
the police barricades
join the protests
and lay down in confession.
Now handcuffs and pepper spray
become the baptism by which
a nation sees its sins.
Come from the countryside
and from the suburbs to the historic hearts
of commercial & governmental guilt
and there take back the streets!
#ShutItDown until the word
is heard and the way
prepared for
God’s coming.
Wear a hoodie. Hoist
a sign. Put up your hands.
The day of the LORD is near!
Very powerful, Rachel.