Let it count in our favor, O God,
that it’s been a rough year.
Let it be to our credit, O God,
that we can still find a prayer—
or at least a swear in your direction,
which should also count.

Put a “plus” in our column, O God,
for all the strikes against us.
Let it count in our favor that we
said grace at the table once or twice.
If today our most faithful effort is takeout,
let it not go without your understanding.

It has all rolled together, O God:
the horrors and fears, like life is stuck
Let it count in our favor that our volume
has neither silenced the stormy winds
nor daunted the sun’s unyielding glare.

Let it be to our credit that we still say “please”
and “thank you,” that we give witness to heaven
when all the world is a dumpster fire—except
that it isn’t, really, which is why we still love.
If there’s nothing else redeeming about us,
O God, let love count in our favor.

O Lord, remember in David’s favor
all the hardships he endured.
(Psalm 132:1, NRSV)

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