“After Paul and Barnabas had appointed elders in each church,
with prayer and fasting the whole community entrusted them
to the LORD in whom they had come to believe.”
Let us pray for the elders of the church:
May the priests and pastors,
deacons and elders,
ushers and boards
be filled with loving wisdom,
swift to listen and unafraid of change.
May the people — all the people of the church —
be compelled and convicted to strive for
the fullness of God within us,
ever among two or more,
diverse but undivided in Christ.
And may the knowledge of the elders
be told — and heard — as a living faith story
so that the whole church community
is empowered to participate
in its continuation.
For the wisdom of those we call our elders,
whether old or young in years.
For those who share the gift of tears,
for those who share the gift of imagination,
for those who share the gift of questions.
We give you thanks.