O people, blessed are you
who come in the name of
the One who was and will be.
In death, in life, in renewal
the Promise says to the mourner:
“Peace be with you even when
the wounds seem to suggest
peace is not possible.”
O people, blessed are you
who come in the name of
the faithful Testimony.
In hope, in awe, in frustration
the Teacher says to the disciple:
“Peace be with you though
you strive after answers that
can only be known in living.”
O people, blessed are you
who come with a song
for the Victor and Healer.
In persistence, in resistance,
Holy Joy says to the doubter:
“Peace be with you through
desperation and triumph,
until neither one remains.”
O people, blessed are you
who come with love
for the One who frees.
With breath, with forgiveness,
Freedom says to the restless:
“Peace be with you until
at last you understand
it has already been found.”
O people, blessed are you
who come in the name of
the chief Cornerstone.
At a glance, with a touch, in a moment,
the First-and-Last says to the fearful:
“Peace be with you with every
marker you place along the way
to reassure one another.”
O people, blessed are you
who come in the name of
the Spirit of Peace.
This is so beautifully expressed. It’s reminiscent of the Judy Collins song “fortune of soldiers“ in which the refrain says “don’t you know the dream has come true? When they say that peace can never be, it’s a fantasy, they didn’t know about you“