Mar 15, 2013 | Lent, nature, thanksgiving
For the dawning light of the day, fresh & bright as though this is the earth’s first turning; For the early greening of daffodil shoots, as though the bulbs have never birthed sun-bright flowers; For the running of the stream, as though there is no joy quite...
Dec 15, 2011 | Advent, nature, poem, prayer, thanksgiving
For health and strength and daily bread,For breath and for the paths we tread,For love which keeps our hearts exposed,For scars and dreams that make us grow,For sunset’s fire and ocean’s storm,For starry nights and blankets warm,For stories, for hope, for...
Nov 18, 2011 | faith, prayer-writing, thanksgiving
“Blessed” is my statement of faithand “Blessed” is my thanksgiving.Blessed by the mystery when God is hiddenand blessed to be ever within God’s sight.Blessed to walk this twisting pathand blessed to fall upon the Rock.Blessed to wait for...
Nov 5, 2011 | baptism, nature, prayer-writing, psalm, thanksgiving
Let the storm be stilled of all its raging so my praise might echo clearly across the water. For God has guided me thus far; God’s love and grace have been unfailing. When the waves mounted impossibly, the LORD of Life did not let me drown. Every time the wind...
Nov 1, 2011 | faith, stories, thanksgiving
I give Thee thanksfor saints and souls.Let my tears be accompaniedby a chorus of Hallelujahs.For saints and soulslike the man with white hair, a farm,and a joyful banjowho left a legacy of faith;for saints and soulslike the woman with healing handsand a gentle...