Jul 12, 2015 | prayer, Spirit
Hover over us, Holy Spirit, as we skip as we sing as we sink as we sigh… Hover among us, Holy Spirit, as we wrestle as we rage as we reconcile as we remember… Hover despite us, Holy Spirit, as we sin as we spoil as we squander as we sabotage… Hover...
May 22, 2015 | images of God, prayer, Spirit, vocation
Is that you, God, peering through the crap? Is that muck of life truly you in all your glory, or is it me kicking my dirt in your direction while you as the gardener examine how to make good use of such shi*? Is that you, God, burning within my core? Is it your holy...
Apr 24, 2015 | confession, news, psalm, Spirit, theodicy
If the Spirit did not sigh for us, over us, I wonder who would. Who would hear our stories in their rawest honesty and sigh in agreement, “Never again”? Who would sit with us in the silence of shadows and trace the dust of memories? Who would hold out the...
Mar 27, 2015 | Lent, prayer, Spirit
Sigh over me, Holy Spirit, and by your breath may my heart settle into peace.
Aug 8, 2014 | discipleship, images of God, prayer, Spirit
Shall I thank you for this dry season, in which the storms and floods have receded and there is space for me to breathe vast space for me to walk about and plant anew? Shall I cry out to you in this dry season, as the streams take their time no longer dancing and...
Aug 3, 2012 | faith, images of God, lament, mental health, mystery, prayer, Spirit
Ah, Spirit! I’m afraid I’ve lost you. No — I’m afraid I’ve lost myself, because my heart feels unfamiliar and the terrain of my soul is desolate wilderness. I am seeking a rock to get my bearings… encountering only wind and silence....