Monday Muse: Transfiguration Blues

How many ways can a pastor preach the transfiguration story year after year? Up the mountain, down the mountain, shiny God, silly disciples. Ho hum. Can anything good come from Transfiguration Sunday? Yes! (I’m a liturgiophile, of course my answer is yes.) At...

Monday Muse: Naming Racism from the Pulpit

Dear Preachers, Perhaps when the jury’s verdict on Jordan Davis’ killer was announced this past Saturday evening, you were prepared. Despite the weekend timing of the verdict, the trial itself wasn’t new news, nor were the circumstances of racism....

Monday Muse: Lenten Sermon Series 5

Preacher friends, I have one final nudge for your homiletic muse as you look ahead to the Lenten season, one more idea for centering your sermon series this Lent: hymns. (Already I’ve shared ideas for a sermon series centered around a painting series, the...

Monday Muse: Lenten Sermon Series 4

Only one month remains until Lent, preachers, in case you’re counting. Not to panic, you still have ample time to plan for the Lenten season, and with this Monday Muse series I’m sharing sermon ideas to inspire not only your exegetical preparations but...

Monday Muse: Lenten Sermon Series 3

For preachers and worship planners, I’ve been outlining various sermon series ideas for the upcoming season of Lent. The advantage of a sermon series in any liturgical season is the opportunity it affords to build a story arc or develop a faith lesson across...

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