Wait for the LORD

Wait for the LORD; be strong and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD! (Psalm 27:14) I wait for you, O LORD, I wait: longing to be caught up in your unwavering love, bolstered by the steadfast pulse of the waves, encouraged by the rising perfume of new...

Ecclesiastes 12

Can we talk about your world, God? Can we talk about its duplicitous love of fellowship and division, peace and violence, adoration and rejection? Can we talk about how vainly and violently humanity continues to strive against this dust of which we are made, how...
Hope on a Dismal Day

Hope on a Dismal Day

The fig tree does not blossom yet the pine remains faithfully green. The vine wanders aimlessly without bearing fruit yet the stream still runs to the ocean. The sun hides its face behind storming clouds yet an infant still smiles on his mother’s lap. Justice...


What can I see if you do not show me? Indeed, what is there to see if you do not show me? Will you show me? Will you see me?

Monday Muse: Praying the Lectionary

Deuteronomy 34:1-12 (from the Revised Common Lectionary for 10.26.2014): Ah God, I am not wise like Moses; I have neither his courage for the wilderness nor his faith for miracles. Still I dare to pray for the gift of a vision like the one given to Moses on Mount Nebo...

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