Haha! My God, my God,
you have done it again!
You have lit the way
for those feeling lost,
and unlocked a fountain
for those deprived of water.
You have gathered orphans together,
called them family, and set out a rich feast.
You have bent close to hear the silenced
and given them a victory song to sing.
How beautiful is your Spirit, O God,
who tells the continuing story of
your faithfulness to generations!
How beautiful your Body as it stands
in unity, brother and sister no longer apart!
How brilliant is your city that guards the weak
and hosts a parade to welcome every traveler home!
How long would it take
to circle the hedge of protection
You have forged around me–
to measure Your faithfulness
through the decades–
to count each time Your sovereign ways
have surrounded me–
to climb the steps
of Your goodness —
Faithful One
may my lips speak
of Your hand upon me
in the midst of
loss and confusion, depression and anxiety,
struggle and fear, questions and anger
I take a front row seat in
Your story of redemption
You are my Shepherd Guide
All of my days
I’m soaking in your kinetic images: How long would it take to walk the perimeter of God’s protection, to count the occasions of God’s presence, to climb the step’s of God’s goodness! Thank you for this, Juanita!
I touch the cover, and open the book. Slowly, cautiously, wondering what will emerge. Pages unfold, images tumble out, voices once silent speak boldly, laugh, cry, sing. The stories whirl around me like an autumn breeze. They draw me in and breathe me out. I am created once more. Listen .. this is my story, this is our story.