Advent: Glory

Sing Glory! Glory for grace and glory for laughter. Cry Glory! Glory for mercy and glory for comfort. Live Glory! Glory to loveĀ and glory to God. on Baruch 5:1-2

Advent: Peace

What we have not imagined, O Christ, you have called into being: the radical repair of relationships, the unusual alliance of predator & prey, the unexpected repentance of the aggressor. What we have not embodied, O Christ, you have required of our being:...

Advent: Estranged

Not too long since last we spoke Not too long since last we sat together And still I feel a chasm between us as though Our spirits never connected, as though A word never passed between us As though we are estranged. How long, O God, Until our repartee Is not so scant...

Advent: Thief

You have stolen my expectations my presumptions my plans & futures. O Christ, what you have stolen from me! And O Christ, what you have given to replace what I’d believed I’d lost. on Matthew 24:43

Advent: With Holy Spirit and Fire

What can we say, God, except: Have your way with us. … Wait. No. However could we handle it? … I’m not sure. … No. Yes: Have your way with us. Because what else can we say? … Have your way, Great God, because you will. on Matthew...

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