Lent 36 (The Cock Crows Twice)

The worst of all sins: the willful concealing of the self before the very Being and Lover of all selves …yet I must ask: how can I do otherwise? For you with your passion for love have drawn near but then left me too exposed vulnerable to knowing, vulnerable...

Lent 35 (Mathematics)

1 – 1 = 1 To lose the certainty of faith in order to gain it again: what math is this? 2 – 2 = 3 To lose impartiality in love just to find foolish Love; it doesn’t add up. To lose even the respectability of salvation so that the sheer chaos of...

Sixth Sunday in Lent (Palms)

Hosanna! Blessed be the miracle worker Jesus coming for me! Come for me, Jesus! Hosanna! Blessed be the Savior, my Relief and Rescue, the One who makes trouble disappear, the true and holy Quick Fix before whom I lay down my praise in hopes that You will notice me and...

Lent 34 (Theodicy)

You have not failed, O God. Let me continue to grasp this reassurance while the world rages in endless war, while the bodies of young men are left in the street, while their sisters disappear from sight without a sigh of public lament, while the defenses of hatred...

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