While We Wait (Praying through Advent)

At night comes the haunting, a ringing of silence, a depth that the daylight does not understand: the intersection of terrible fear and wild possibility: the faint gleam of stars in absence of the sun: a space for dissonance otherwise unimagined and disallowed: the...

While We Wait (Praying through Advent)

Ah, sweet Joy!You have blessed me with breath today.Ah, sweet Joy!You have called me to labor today.Ah, sweet Joy!You have made me laugh and dance today.Ah, sweet Joy!You have whispered “There is more” to my heart today.Ah, sweet and beautiful Joy!You have...

While We Wait (Praying through Advent)

Listen. Sssshh.Peace.Peace be with youlike the sun warming your face,like a soft teddy bear in your arms for comfort,like the sight of a blue heron standing still along a creek.Peace.Do you hear God’s whisper?Peace.Peace in your tossing & turning.Now turn,...

While We Wait (Praying through Advent)

A prayer between us, and just for you:Peace to you. God’s peace,for the living of each day andthe striving of each relationship.Peace. May you know God within you.Peace; may I acknowledge the same.And where there is any pain,around or betwixt or within,may there...

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