Lent 13

God be the light in my eyes.God be the love in my voice.God be the gentleness in my steps.God be the compassion in my touch.God be the word on my lips.God be the strength for my spirit.God be the ground under my feet.

Lent 12

O God, my God, be present in my tears.I am poured out like water, my heart is like wax.I pray for the place of hurt: — the joint that shoots pain through the body — the word that undermines trust & love — the job loss that replaces breath with...

Lent 11

I pray for the church–our local congregation and the global Christian community alike–that the Spirit will be among us, that our purpose will begenerosity more than survival,celebration more than business,worship more than ritual,inclusivity more than club...

Second Sunday in Lent

jesus never promised a life of easehe said: carry the cross, andbe ye perfectneed i say that i am not?i love the beatitudes, for their soothing poetry;i dread to read them, for their idealistic nerve:blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of...

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