Honor the LORD with your very being.
(Proverbs 3:9a, adapted)

Praise! Praise God with the light of your eyes,
with their bright gleam of joy!
Praise! Praise God with the restful pose of your shoulders,
with their willingness to cede control!
Praise! Praise God with the kind touch of your fingers,
with their gesture of welcome and love!
Praise! Praise God with the song on your tongue,
with its tune of thanksgiving!
Praise! Praise God with the intuition of your core,
with its attention to life’s energies!
Praise! Praise God with the boldness of your spine,
with its resolve to keep you together!
Praise! Praise God with the wiggle of your toes,
with all their silliness and strength!
Praise! Praise God with the electricity of your brain,
with its sparks of passion and insight!
Praise! Praise God from head to toe — mind, body and spirit!
Let your whole being give praise to God!

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