
Easy enough to confess chariots when I have none. Easy enough to set aside pride in horses with no stables to fill. Easy enough to surrender financial confidence with a check sure to bounce. More difficult, I confess, to abandon measures of worth by capacity and...


I bless the earth for nurturing the daffodil in secret until the robins are ready to herald its cheery bloom. I bless the spring peepers for freezing solid in wintery woods to wait faithfully until the early spring thaw beckons love’s chorus. I bless the sun for...


I saw you trying to catch my eye, trying to hold my gaze long enough for the shields to drop, but you were too late — or perhaps too early — and I could not meet you honestly. I chased after you, to be sure, and I called your name, but I kept my distance...

Rejoice With Me

Dear neighbor, Dear sibling/stranger, Dear God-among-us, A silver coin of mine is a coin of yours, whether it is lost or found, whether it is one alone or one of ten. A sheep of mine in the fields belongs too to your flock, and a sibling of mine who is hungry may...

Holy Renown

Let me refresh your memory, LORD God, and I will refresh mine as well: Yours is the strength that sways tides and shifts tectonic plates. Yours is the musicality that conducts stars and evokes the moon’s aria. Yours is the wild roar that tames Leviathan and...

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