I’m not so sure
(when it comes right down to it)
that I really want to see You
as You are
full of glory
and might. Just as
I shy away from
seeing me
as I really am
and as I could be.
Cover Yourself with a cloud,
O Christ, so that I can’t see You
fully, clearly. And through
the haze I will worship You,
through the fog
I will say
“Here is my God!”
(probably pointing in
the wrong direction because,
you know, FOG). But still
I will love you
and a little more
adoringly because I will not have to
contend quite so honestly
with myself
through Your eyes,
I will not have to account for
not only my humanity but also
my holiness, not only
my blunders but also my belovedness.
Do not reveal Yourself transformed
for I am not ready to be

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