In the Spirit of Thomas

In the Spirit of Thomas

We do not see! We do not understand! We do not know which signs are true! Peace be with you. We cannot believe! We cannot find our grounding! We cannot discern the path forward! Peace be with you. Information is lacking! Too many liars claim expertise! Conspiracy...
In the Spirit of Thomas


In the fear of the LORD, we pray for a root — merely a root, buried deep — that we might hope for the blooming of peace. In the wonder of the LORD, we pray for a child — for every child among us — to tame the lions and asps within us to be at...


If I am zealous in faith but do know not peace, I am a dangerous firebrand. If I kneel before the LORD but cannot stand beside my neighbor, I am a self-righteous Judas. If I preach “Christ is near” but shame those who cry to Jesus, I am a false and jealous...

Advent: Peace

For yokes to break and whips to fray, for armor to crumble and guns to disintegrate, for enemies to repent and the powerful to atone, for the rich to repay and war plans to burn, for bombs to retreat and arrogance to perish, for hatred to lament and self-righteousness...

Advent: Peace

What we have not imagined, O Christ, you have called into being: the radical repair of relationships, the unusual alliance of predator & prey, the unexpected repentance of the aggressor. What we have not embodied, O Christ, you have required of our being:...

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