Lead us to the water, O Spirit,
calm in a pool or
flowing in a river or
pounding down a waterfall.

Lead us to the water where we can bathe,
splash, leap and laugh,
rinse and relax, soak for hours,
until violence is washed clean from our skin
and defensiveness is eased from our tense muscles.

Lead us to the water, O Spirit,
to hear prophets preach
and sinners repent,
to drink deeply of blessings.

Lead us to the water that flows beside a harvest
where the fruit is sweet, the grass lush,
the community lively and every person free,
where the way is wide and smooth
so that all people can travel as they sing.

Lead us to the water, O Spirit,
and we will be wise and
unrestrained in joy
until your reign is glorified.

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