O God our guide and daily delight,

We are like the dawn,
created to welcome the sun
but inclined to yearn for the night.

In your brilliance,
command our attention
with imagination and new revelation.

We are like the dawn,
indistinct and unclear on the truth,
waiting for something – someone – to shed light.

Show us the last and the hidden,
the wisdom of seeking out quiet pastures,
the humility of learning from those dismissed as blind.

We are like the dawn,
stretched out from east to west,
changing too quickly for the eye to keep track.

By your goodness and grace,
guide our steps and our wanderings.
Do not let us fail to discern you or pass you by.

We are like the dawn,
O beautiful Sun and Savior,
impatient for your coming presence.

Do not fail to crest the horizon,
we pray, in our lives and in this world,
and bring all to peace in the realm of your glory.


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