Five Reasons…

Five Reasons…

…to order Writing to God: Kids’ Edition today: 1. Because fall is coming, and your Christian Ed committee is looking for new resources. 2. Because you want to encourage your grandchild’s or niece’s or nephew’s prayer life. 3. Because The...

Psalm 47:7

“God is the ruler of all the earth! Sing praises with a psalm!” God is supreme in governing all that lives on the earth … and the earth itself. The dirt, the minerals, the deep oil wells, the lava, all that is beneath our feet, down to the...

Lent 26

It’s bath time! “Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow” (Psalm 51:7, NRSV). “Soak me in your laundry and I’ll come out clean; scrub me and I’ll have a snow-white life” (The...

Lent 24

Let all of my “stuff” –my activities, my emotions, my stresses– be permeated by your silence,like the spaces between fence slatsor the sun’s rays through the clouds,like the infinitesimal space of movementbetween the quivering atoms in a...

Lent 5

You know me, God: I like journeys where the destination is goooood, restful for the body and rejuvenating for the soul, with food and fellowship to satisfy my spirit and encourage me for days to come. That’s not exactly how the Lenten journey is typically...

Grasping at a Love Letter

There are books that ignite my mind and creativity.There are frosty dawns that sing beauty to my spirit.There are homemade brownies that melt my willpower.There are children’s goodnight kisses that satisfy my soul.I would settle for all of these displays of...

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