Sunday Prayer

Our praise and prayers, our hopes and heartaches are found in the shadow of your love, O God. We come to you to see who we are and to catch a vision of who we may become. It’s too easy to listen to news, to look in mirrors, and to resign ourselves to the belief...


I take your hand because the way is lonely and it helps to know you’re there. I take your hand because I get cold feet sometimes but your warmth pulses with courage. I take your hand because it makes me blush and turns my steps into a dance. I take your hand...

Monday Muse: Lenten Sermon Series 1

Not to cause anxiety, but the season of Lent begins in seven weeks. 🙂 For those who are worship planners, how are you hoping to shape the church’s experience of Lent? Sermon series are a valuable tool for creating continuity from one worship service to the next,...

Sunday Prayer (Baptism of Christ)

Here we are, O LORD, coming before you, your people waiting and watching for your Spirit to descend upon us…but gently, we pray; just enough Spirit to get us through the day and not so much to cause us discomfort or inconvenience. We are dipping our toes in the...

Monday Muse: Baptism

On the liturgical calendar, this Sunday January 12 celebrates the baptism of Jesus by his cousin John. For those congregations that do not keep the baptismal font front-and-center in their worship spaces (or keep the font covered), Baptism of Christ Sunday is a...

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