White Women, Sarah, and Hagar

Dear white sisters, We are long overdue in examining, confronting, and upsetting our significant role in the systemic racism of American culture. The six women who acquitted George Zimmerman demonstrated the pattern of behavior that we white women have exhibited...

Sunday Prayer

Lord, listen to your children praying; Lord, send your Spirit in this place.* We are gathered in your presence, Most High God, longing for a word of healing and restoration. Please take your place among us as the Source of Comfort for the crying, the Spirit of...

A Tampon and a Gun

I am laughing and laughing this evening over the Twitter news that feminine care products are being confiscated from those entering the Texas legislature to hear debate on an abortion bill. It goes without saying that super plus tampons and winged pads pose a threat...


Today’s prayer prompt comes from Writing to God: Kids’ Edition, my second book and an engaging resource to encourage young readers in prayer. One of my favorite prompts in the Kids’ Edition holds endless possibilities for prayer: “What’s...

Sunday Prayer

Our Sovereign, our Savior: We praise your holy name (your above-all-else-ness) and we rejoice in your humanity (your demonstration of the possibilities of dust). Lead us in the ways of interdependence: in our daily lives and personal ambitions, in our corporate living...

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