Lent 34

“Be single-minded in heart and action,”thus saith the LORD.O God of my father, O God of my mother,O storied God who has pursued us in love for generations:I confess that I am scattered,highly unfocused — so unlike you!My love is intermittent, my mood...

Lent 33

Ground of All Being:Let my feet be groundedwiggled into the cold earthto sense roots that stretch and connectto feel growth and movement of lifeLet my feet be groundedso that my praise comes up from my toesand my mourning digs deep through my heelsand my intercessions...

Lent 32

I delight to seek your face and know your ways,O God, my Rock and my Eternal Hope,to find you in love and in conversation,to sense your nearness through pain and healing.I give thanks for moments of clarity and vision;when faced with the unknown,I wait patiently for...


I cry out in despair “O my God!” for the tears of your children and the sobs of the frightened. Is that rising wail of sorrow the sound of others’ lament or my own voice against the pillow? I have lost you amongst the clouds– where is the One...

Lent 30

Perhaps I have lied to myself about how much one person can do, how much one person is meant to do: striving forward as though my own spirit is strong enough, has self-contained vision enough, to create holiness each and every day.So I repent of aspiring to be a god...

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