“God be with you” —
the least and yet the very best
I can offer you, friend, on your journey.
And if you offer the same in return
— “God be with you” —
then maybe we can
walk together
trusting in the knowledge
that God keeps us both company.
O most faithful God, keep us company:
not just me and mine, but all people and especially
those whom love has failed, those failed by
community with obstacles cast into
their paths, and those for whom
hell is not conceptual but
but tangible & daily.
God, be with
your people, as close
as a breeze kissing the skin,
as close as a dream in the night.
Be the very rhythm of our
hearts, be the ground
beneath our feet.
Most of all,
do not leave us alone.
God be with you. Christ be
within you. The Spirit be love between us.

on Romans 10:6-8a (adapted): The love that comes from faith does not ask, “Who will go to heaven?” or “Who will go to hell?” No, the love that comes from faith says, “Christ is near to you, as close as a whisper and within your heart.”

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